Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsLocal Artist Designs Gorgeous Phone Cases Featuring Malaysian Women Of Diverse Cultures

Local Artist Designs Gorgeous Phone Cases Featuring Malaysian Women Of Diverse Cultures

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Meet full-time artist, Noor Sarah Reza, who creates beautiful artwork featuring women of different cultures and ethnicities in Malaysia

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Sarah recently released stunning phone case designs that wonderfully represent the beauty of the many ethnicities in our country

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She also has cases showcasing women from diverse ethnicities in attractive traditional attire

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Other than phone cases, Sarah sells her artwork as notebook covers, tote bags, commission-based drawings, paintings, illustrations, and other forms of merchandise

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Image via (Instagram)

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Together with her son Rayyan Irfan Chai, who’s also a talented child artist himself, Sarah regularly displays and sells their works at art bazaars and booths at Amcorp Mall

Rayyan (centre) at an art booth posing with his masterpiece, titled ‘Space Wars’.
Image via @senirayyan (instagram)

Image via (Instagram)

Image via @senirayyan (Instagram)

This incredibly skilled mother-son duo make such a great team together that seeing them so passionate about art can put a smile on any passer-by’s face. Keep it up, Sarah and Rayyan! 

Check out Senisara Studio and Senirayyan on Instagram for more.

Did you know that Rayyan has been drawing since he was just four years old? Read on to find out more about his story:

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