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Wise of our past leaders to form Malaysia with Sabah, Malaya – Dennis

Dennis attaches the state flag on a motorcycle of a resident in Long Lama during the event.

MIRI (Sept 13): The decision made by Sarawak’s past leaders to participate in the formation of Malaysia with Sabah and Malaya in September 1963 is a wise move, said Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau.

He said with Sarawak being surrounded by groups or countries wanting to take control of the state, not to mention the level of poverty among people in the state especially those in the rural areas, the decision has allowed Sarawakians to have better living standard until today.

“The decision made by our past leaders to form Malaysia was a great move at that time.

“Even though not all please us today, we cannot say the former leaders’ decision was wrong. Even future generations will comment on the decisions we make today for the future as things as well as the surroundings might change.

“Even today, we are still experiencing changes and certain degree of development around us in Long Lama and other areas across Baram as a result of our government’s long-term planning,” he said in his speech when officiating the ‘Ziarah Unit Komunikasi Awam Sarawak (Ukas) Semarak Kemerdekaan’ programme in Long Lama on Saturday.

According to Dennis, the Long Lama Waterfront and the Pehin Sri Adenan Satem Bridge in Long Lama as well as 24-hour electricity supply and many other developments in Telang Usan have been a result of Telang Usan folks’ decision to support the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government under the leadership of Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

Dennis pointed out that more development will come to his constituency for as long as the rural folks continue to keep Telang Usan under GPS.

“Our rural folks do enjoy better economy today as we could see from the free movement of our people. This has been the result of development that we have planned.

“Development needs political stability with long-term planning,” said Dennis.

“I am aware that the opposition is saying they will do better than GPS state government, but they have not even shown us a single proof on what they have been doing are better, other than just talk.

“Therefore, Telang Usan and Sarawakians must not be easily influenced but learn from past mistakes for continuous development in Telang Usan,” he added.

The ‘Ziarah Unit Komunikasi Awam Sarawak (Ukas) Semarak Kemerdekaan’ programme was organised by Ukas in conjunction with Malaysia Day on Sept 16.

“I thank Ukas for holding the event at Telang Usan, which is very significant to our people.

“However, I am a bit sad as no youth attended due to strict SOP and I hope in the future events, we will have youths joining as we want them to take part in such event which commemorates important historical facts that have given them comfortable lives today,” said Dennis.

Telang Usan district officer Baru Tai, Ukas Telang Usan officer and organiser of the event David Belulok and community leaders including Penghulu Desmond Yap were among those present at the event which was held with strict adherence to the Covid-19 standard operating procedure (SOP).

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