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HomeNewsVaccination drive for adolescents in Sibu runs smoothly, observes senator

Vaccination drive for adolescents in Sibu runs smoothly, observes senator

Lau (right) and political secretary to chief minister Michael Tiang (left) visit the vaccination centre at Sibu Civic Centre.

SIBU (Sept 13): The Covid-19 vaccination drive for adolescents aged 16 and 17 years old here has been running smoothly since it commenced last Wednesday, observed Sibu Division Disaster Management Committee (SDDMC) member Senator Robert Lau.

In this regard, he urged those who might have missed their appointment, to go to Lanang Health Clinic or Sibujaya Health Clinic.

“Sarawak is the first state to vaccinate those aged 16 and 17. The vaccination in Sibu started on Wednesday at the civic centre,” he told The Borneo Post here last night.

Additionally, he noted that there were those who did not want to take any vaccine because it was ‘not the preferred vaccine’.

“My advice is… any vaccine is a good vaccine. Don’t wait and choose, as you never know when you will get vaccinated with your preferred type.

“The risks associated with not being vaccinated are higher to you and community than any perceived fear of the vaccine now in use,” he stressed, pointing out vaccination as the only way to deal with Covid-19.

“The medical world has, within record time, come up with several type of vaccines. Sarawak has the highest and fastest vaccination rate in the country. This has saved lives,” added Lau.

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