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Total of 1,000 final year Unimas students to return to campus in Sarawak for face-to-face lectures, says VC

File photo of some of the Unimas students who will be back for their final year soon. — Borneo Post Online pic
File photo of some of the Unimas students who will be back for their final year soon. — Borneo Post Online pic

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KOTA SAMARAHAN, March 5 — A total of 1,000 Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) students will return to campus for physical face-to-face studies for the Semester 2 2020/2021 intake.

Unimas vice-chancellor Professor Datuk Mohamad KadimSuaidi said 650 of the students are from Sarawak, while 350 are from peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan.

“We are complying with the requirement of professional bodies such as Medicine and Engineering for the students to have face-to-face lectures,” he said in a statement here yesterday.

He added two colleges in the university have been prepared for the final year students  —  Kolej Cempaka as the supervision centre for students from Sarawak and Kolej Rafflesia as the quarantine centre for peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Labuan students.

“The students who will arrive in stages would have to undergo a 14-day quarantine including Covid-19 swab tests during that period.

“They are only allowed to start their classes after the 14-day quarantine and supervision,” he said.

Mohamad Kadim hoped that the students will always adhere to the standard operating procedure (SOP) protocols like social distancing, frequent washing of hands and other procedures.

Among faculties that require face-to-face lectures for final year students are the Faculty of Built Environment, Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, Medicine and Health Sciences and Cognitive Science and Human Resource Development.

On a related matter, Mohamad Kadim said prior to this about 1,600 Unimas students had been in the campus since the pandemic broke out last year, while 14,000 other students are following online lessons.

“Meanwhile, for students who face internet access problem outside, we will still allow them to enter the campus premises but they must comply with all SOPs and rules set,” he said.

The vice-chancellor expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all Unimas citizens, external agencies such as the Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC), the Police and the Sarawak Fire and Rescue Department who assist in ensuring the safety of the final year students returning to their campuses. — Borneo Post Online

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