PUTRAJAYA, Nov 27 — Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) is prepared to face the flood situation ahead of the monsoon season in the coming months, including reducing the water-level of the reservoir at its hydro dam to the minimum, to accommodate the expected high inflow.
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Datuk Shamsul Anuar Nasarah in a statement today said TNB had also conducted drills with the relevant government agencies and the surrounding communities.
“Apart from generating electricity, TNB’s large dams also function as flood mitigators, which is crucial, especially in the rainy season, to prevent unwanted incidents,” he said.
He said during the briefing session with TNB and the Energy Commission, TNB informed that its technical team and related assets would also be mobilised for the safety and comfort of consumers during the floods.
As for consumers, he said they were advised to immediately contact TNB if their premises or homes were flooded up to dangerous levels so that the electricity supply could be temporarily suspended to ensure their safety.
“I have been informed that when the floods recede and the situation returns to safety, the electricity supply will be resumed by TNB,” he said.
According to Shamsul Anuar, the public is also advised to turn off the main switch and not use any electrical equipment if the residence is flooded to avoid the risk of getting an electric shock.
After the flood recedes, the public is reminded to clean and inspect wirings and electrical equipment submerged in water before use to ensure that it was completely safe to do so.
Shamsul Anuar said it was better for consumers to avail the services of an electrician registered with the Energy Commission for inspection as well as testing of wiring and electrical equipment submerged in water. — Bernama