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HomeNewsTamin rep appeals to rural folk to get vaccinated soonest

Tamin rep appeals to rural folk to get vaccinated soonest

Christopher Gira Sambang

KUCHING (June 28): Tamin assemblyman Christopher Gira Sambang has appealed to the rural folk who have yet to receive Covid-19 vaccination to do so as soon as possible.

Gira, who is also Sarawak Dayak National Union (SDNU) senior vice president, said this is because the only way to curb Covid-19 infection is by way of vaccination.

In view of this, he urged the rural folk to cooperate with the state government and frontliners in making sure that the state immunisation plan is on schedule.

“I would like to thank the state government and frontliners for being able to accelerate vaccination programme especially to the rural areas,” he said.

On the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in the state, Gira said he personally would prefer MCO to be lifted but stricter standard operating procedures (SOP) must be put in place.

“I would like suggest that our government explore other approaches to curb Covid-19 from spreading further,” he said, adding that there were already many complaints from public that they had lost their job or income and business during this MCO.

Gira also suggested that the government allow the small and medium industries and construction industries to open in phases.

“Workers and suppliers should be allowed to resume work but strict SOP must be put in place,”

Besides that, he also suggested that more workers or staff may be allowed to go to work if they have received at least the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.

“For example activities in rural areas like pasar tamu, hardware shops, agriculture suppliers and construction work should resume their activities.”

He said as a result of the implementation of MCO, many projects which benefit the people are unable to start such as the people centric projects and Rural Transformation Plan (RTP) projects.

“If MCO continues on, I foresee that many people will be affected and to suffer financially,” he added.

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