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HomeNewsSUPP welcomes PM’s Ismail Sabri’s reform initiatives, including proposal for anti-hopping law

SUPP welcomes PM’s Ismail Sabri’s reform initiatives, including proposal for anti-hopping law

Datuk Sebastian Ting

KUCHING (Sept 13): Sarawak United Peoples’ United (SUPP) welcomes the recent announcement of seven parliamentary and government administrative reforms as proposed by newly-minted Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

“We urge all the present 220 Members of Parliament across political divide to fully support these seven parliamentary and government administrative reforms with a positive attitude and without any reservation in the best interest of our country,” said SUPP secretary-general Datuk Sebastian Ting in a press statement yesterday.

The prime minister has recently announced the government would seek to implement seven parliamentary and government administrative reforms, including enacting anti-hopping law, the implementation of constitution amendment to lower the voting age to 18 years old and a constitutional amendment to limit the prime minister’s tenure to 10 years.

Other reforms include ensuring balanced representation between government and opposition lawmakers in parliamentary select committees, and all Bills including the Supply Bill to be discussed and agreed upon collectively.

There are also reforms for opposition lawmakers to be appointed into the National Recovery Council and opposition leader would be given the same allowances and amenities as a federal minister.

“We believe most Malaysians also welcome such announcement and they are indeed expecting our present government and the opposition parties to have learned from the recent national political turmoil. These reforms, which have been long overdue, are a must and necessary,” said Ting.

According to him, the present condition and political environment in the country are ripe for such historical, progressive and meaningful Parliamentary and government administrative reforms.

“Moreover, limiting the prime minister’s tenure to 10 years has many merits, amongst others, it will help to prevent or minimise political leader from staying in office for too long and start to corrupt and abuse of power and the system.”

Ting believed that the reform will help to keep the country’s democracy alive, while greatly encourage and motivate young leaders with innovative ideas coupled with knowledge of Artificial Intelligence to lead the nation.

Ting said the most welcomed of all the seven parliamentary and government administrative reforms is the proposal to enact anti-hopping law to curb party hopping.

“It is certainly very unfortunate that some elected members of Parliament and state assemblymen or assemblywomen, after being chosen by their respective parties to be candidates for election and upon being elected, chose to resign from their respective parties.

“In political terms, they hopped to another party and in recent times, their actions led to the fall of the governments with successive governments being formed.”

Ting said it is more than fair to say that most Malaysians are tired, fed up and angry with the current culture of party hopping.

“When this new anti-hopping law is passed in Parliament, this will put an end to this party hopping and this will certainly help to keep our country’s democracy alive.”

He said it will further prevent or minimise political corruption by stopping elected representatives from hopping party to party for their own interests and causing political turmoil and uneasiness like the recent ones.

“Many have argued that this behaviour of party hopping is a total disrespect and disregard of the wishes of the people who voted for them and thus, mocking the spirit of democracy and our election system.”

After experiencing a period of political turbulence, Ting said the people hoped to see the country returned to political stability with more mature politics and showing respect to the country’s democracy.

“SUPP would like to thank His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong for he had also ordered the ruling and the opposition parties to end the political fighting and instead, to have mutual cooperation for the interest of the country and its people.”

Ting said the present government must be given the chance to fully focus on looking after the wellbeing of the people, especially in coping with Covid-19 pandemic and economic recovery.

“Enough of politics for the time being. Withhold your political ammunitions and seek unity. Be united to fight against Covid-19 and suggest ideas for implementation of the national economy recovery plan.”

Nonetheless, Ting said SUPP would like to congratulate Ismail Sabri for announcing the seven-point reform plan and hoped that all reforms can be passed and implemented for the best interest of the country and its people.

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