KUCHING (June 7): Four new Covid-19 clusters have been declared by the State Health Department today of which one was the result of social gathering during the eve of Gawai Dayak, said the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC).
It said this community cluster, dubbed the Sungai Durin Cluster, was traced back to a longhouse at Sungai Durin in Sibu with 22 positive cases detected so far.
“Several residents of the longhouse had gathered the night before the Gawai Dayak celebrations on May 31.
“A total of 52 individuals have been screened where apart from the positive cases detected (including the index case), the remaining 30 have tested negative,” it said in its Covid-19 daily update.
It said all positive cases have been referred to Sibu Hospital and admitted to the hospital and the quarantine and low-risk patients treatment centre (PKRC) in Sibu district.
The longhouses have also been placed under the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) to prevent the Covid-19 infection from spreading to other areas.
The committee said another community cluster was detected in Sebauh with 17 positive cases detected including the index case.
“The Jalan Masket Cluster involved a longhouse at Mile 8, Jalan Masket, Nibongmali in Sebauh and was the result of social interaction among residents of the longhouse,” it said.
It said in addition to the 17 positive cases, 23 have tested negative and another five were pending lab test results.
“All positive cases have been admitted to Bintulu Hospital and the PKRC in Bintulu district.
“The plantation where the index case works as well as the longhouse have been placed under EMCO as well,” it added.
There were also two workplace clusters that were detected in Miri, said SDMC.
It said the Jalan Airport Cluster, which involved several workplace residential houses at Jalan Airport, was due to social movements and close interaction among occupants of the residences.
“A total of 122 individuals have been screened where 12 (including the index case) were found positive; 103 have tested negative and seven are pending lab test results,” it said.
It said the other cluster, dubbed the Jalan Ilmu Cluster, involved a food and entertainment premises at Jalan Ilmu and was the result of social movements involving employees and visitors to the premises.
“A total of 24 positive cases (including the index case) were detected out of the 242 individuals that were screened.
“There were also 208 individuals who tested negative and another 10 are pending lab test results,” it said.
All positive cases from these two clusters have been admitted to Miri Hospital and the PKRC in Miri.
There are currently 77 active clusters in the state with 13 clusters recording an increase of 89 new positive cases today.
The clusters are Jalan Coastal Bintulu-Miri Cluster in Bintulu (22); Sungai Durin Cluster in Sibu (20); Gerigat Cluster in Kabong (17); Jalan Masket Cluster in Sebauh (16); Sungai Penyarai Cluster in Tatau (4); Muara Tabuan Cluster in Kuching (2); Bunut Cluster in Mukah (2); Nanga Meruan Cluster in Selangau (1); Hulu Spaoh Cluster in Betong (1); Sungai Parik Cluster in Sri Aman (1); Ijus Pengelayan Cluster in Miri (1); Jalan Airport Cluster in Miri (1); and Jalan Ilmu Cluster in Miri (1).
Meanwhile, SDMC also announced the end of three Covid-19 clusters in the state after no new cases involving these clusters were detected or reported in the past 28 days.
They are the Abok Bon Cluster in Subis; Ulu Anap Cluster in Tatau; and Singgahsana Lodge Cluster in Kuching.