Monday, September 30, 2024
HomeNewsOnly one new Covid-19 cluster in Sarawak today – Health Dept

Only one new Covid-19 cluster in Sarawak today – Health Dept

The Suchong Balut Cluster involves two longhouses at Sungai Suchong Balut in Julau. — Bernama photo

KUCHING (Sept 10): The Sarawak Health Department today declared only one new Covid-19 community cluster in Julau, dubbed the Suchong Balut Cluster involving two longhouses at Sungai Suchong Balut.

According to the State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) in its daily Covid-19 update, 62 individuals including the index case were tested positive from the cluster out of 78 screened, while three were still waiting for their lab test results.

Meanwhile, SDMC also announced the end of seven clusters. The clusters include the Dabai Baruh Cluster in Saratok, and the rest in Kuching which are the Jalan Sungai Maong Cluster, Kampung Tupong Cluster, Jalan Foochow Cluster, Besi Dua Cluster, Stapok Resettlement Scheme 2 Cluster and Jalan Rubber Dua Cluster.

As of now, Sarawak has 141 active clusters with 24 reporting 208 new cases today.

The clusters that recorded new cases were the Lubuk Bukut Cluster in Mukah (47), KM20 Jalan Betong Cluster in Betong (46), Esebang Plaie Cluster in Serian (22), Long Urun Cluster in Belaga (15), Jalan Usaha Jaya Dua Cluster in Kuching (14), Bungey 2 Cluster in Betong (11), Nansang Tugong Cluster in Pakan (10), Pasar Matu Cluster in Matu (9), Kluster Tanjong Kibong 2 Cluster in Sibu (5), Duras Cluster in Serian (4), Merajang Cluster in Limbang (4), Industri Jalan Semeba Cluster in Kuching (3), Maxbi Libai Cluster in Subis (3), Sawit Gelasah Cluster in Subis (3) and Jalan Bintulu-Miri Dua Cluster in Bintulu (3).

Clusters reporting only one new case today were Belinggai Ulu Niah Cluster in Subis, Jalan Masuri Cluster in Sibu, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman Cluster in Sibu, Jero Gelasah Cluster in Subis, Kampung Simpok Cluster in Serian, Mapu Cluster in Tebedu, Menuang Baru Cluster in Limbang, Nangga Tapih Cluster in Betong and Plaman Bantang Cluster in Serian.

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