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Khairuddin did not mention Najib’s name in police report on 1MDB, says defendant

Datuk Seri Najib Razak arrives at the Court of Appeal, Putrajaya April 28, 2021. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

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KUALA LUMPUR, April 28 — Former Dang Wangi district deputy police chief ACP Habibi Majinji told the High Court today that Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan did not mention any name of individuals including former Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak in the police report lodged by him on 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

When counsel Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla who is representing Khairuddin referred to the police report made by his client at the Dangi Wangi district police headquarters on Dec 12 2014, Habibi, 46, agreed with the lawyer that in the police report Khairuddin only mentioned his suspicion on the governance of 1MDB.

“The police report was later referred to Bukit Aman criminal investigation unit,” said Habibi when cross examined by Mohamed Haniff on the third day of hearing of Kharuddin’s lawsuit against former Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and seven other individuals on his wrongful detention under Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012 (Sosma) before Judicial Commissioner Quay Chew Soon.

Mohamed Hanif:  Do you, agree that Khairuddin also uploaded comments on 1MDB issue on his Facebook account but did not mention any individuals including Najib.

Habibi: Agree.

Habibi, as the third defendant of the lawsuit also agreed with the suggestion of Mohamed Haniff that media reports on the statement of former Attorney General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail on setting a special team to investigate 1MDB issue did not refer to any parties.

He also agreed with the lawyer’s suggestion that Najib had issued a statement which alleged money entering his personal account was a wild accusation meant to sabotage the government.

Earlier, when reading out his witness statement, Habibi said he allowed the application of Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department Organised Crime Investigation Unit investigating officer ASP C. Muniandy to extend Khairuddin’s detention for 28 days under SOSMA for the purpose of further investigation under Section 124K and Section 124L of the Penal Code.

“I was satisfied that the detention extension application on Khairuddin as Muniandy needed witnesses and documents to carry out investigation on the case,” said Habibi who is now Sabah contingent headquarters Management Department deputy director when replying to a question by senior federal counsel, Andi Razalijaya A. Dadi.      

In May 2018, Khairuddin filed a lawsuit against ASP Wan Aeidil Wan Abdullah and Muniandy, both investigating officers of Bukit Aman Criminal Investigation Department Organised Crimes Investigation Unit, deputy police chief of Dang Wangi district headquarters Supt Habibi Majinji and Khalid were named as the first to fourth defendants.

Also named as the fifth to eighth defendants were deputy public prosecutor Datuk Masri Mohd Daud, senior federal counsel Awang Armadajaya Awang Mahmud, former Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali and the Government of Malaysia.

Khairuddin also claimed that he was detained by the authorities on Sept 18 2015 under Section 124C of the Penal Code and on Sept 23 in the same year after he was released, the plaintiff was arrested again under SOSMA  and was in detention before being charged at the Magistrate’s Court here under Section 124L of the same act for attempting sabotage the country’s banking and financial services.

On the whole, the plaintiff was detained for 60 days at Sungai Buloh Prison and on May 12 2017, the court announced the prosecution would not proceed with the charge against the plaintiff and Khairuddin was released and freed from the charge.

The plaintiff alleged that the actions of all defendants in detaining and prosecuting him in court were done in bad faith and violated his right to liberty under the Federal Constitution besides alleging that his reputation and image as a politician had been tarnished.

The court set May 28 for case management to set a date for the resumption of the hearing. — Bernama

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