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Yesterday, 27 June, Senior Minister (Security) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob released a media statement that the current lockdown will continue indefinitely until the requirements for Phase 2 are met
The ongoing Phase 1 of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) will be maintained until the average daily cases of COVID-19 decreases below 4,000 cases, the health system is no longer in critical condition, and 10% of the population are vaccinated.
This statement follows the announcement made by Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin yesterday that the government will maintain Phase 1 nationwide, based on the risk assessment that has been implemented by the Ministry of Health (MOH).
Image via Free Malaysia Today
In addition, the government has allowed premises selling food to operate from 6am to 10pm effective today, 28 June
Previously, operations involving eateries and restaurant premises were only allowed to operate from 8am to 8pm. Ismail said the rule for eateries was relaxed after the government heard the views of the people.
While operating hours for eateries have been extended, all other rules under the lockdown remain the same.
“As lockdown continues under Phase 1 of the National Recovery Plan, other rules remain the same, whereby social activities are not allowed and the economic sectors remain closed, except those that have been listed under the National Security Council’s positive list,” Ismail said.
Image via SAYS (Facebook)
Meanwhile, the National Security Council (MKN) has listed down the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the next phases according to the NRP
Here are the SOPs under Phase 2:
Sectors that are allowed to operate:
1. Manufacturing – Automotive (vehicles and parts), ceramic, furniture factories (for export purposes), rubber, steel, and cement.
2. Trade and distribution – Bookshops and stationery shops, computer and telecommunications, electrical goods, car washes, and barber shops (basic services only).
The SOPs:
1. Interdistrict and interstate travelling still will not be allowed except for school teachers and students travelling for examination classes.
2. Interstate travelling for long-distance couples will be allowed for emergency and special cases only with the approval of PDRM.
3. All operations of eateries and restaurant premises will still be operating from 6am to 10pm.
4. Farmers’ markets and morning markets will be allowed to operate from 7am to 11am and are limited to selling only vegetables, fruits, groceries, processed chicken, seafood, and meat.
5. All individual sports and recreational activities that do not involve physical contact will also be allowed.
6. Dine-in at restaurants will not be allowed, and the operating hours of 6am to 10pm for takeaway and delivery will be maintained.
Image via Human Resources Director
Phase 3 takes place after the number of daily cases is below 2,000, 40% of the population are fully vaccinated, and the health system is at a manageable level
The SOPs for this phase are:
1. Businesses – All businesses are allowed to operate except those that are presumed to be ‘high risk’ and is listed on the ‘negative list’.
2. Negative list – Pubs and nightclubs will still not be allowed to operate.
3. Beauty salons – Allowed to operate but pedicure and manicure services are prohibited.
4. Education – Subject to approval by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and MOH, universities, colleges, and similar government institutions will be allowed to resume operations normally.
5. Social activities and dine-ins – Dining in at restaurants will be allowed but limited to two customers per table. Meanwhile, social activities will still be restricted but gatherings of up to 10 people within a home will be allowed.
6. Travelling – Interdistrict travel will be permitted, but interstate bans will remain. Domestic tourism will be allowed, but the opening of tourist attractions will be subject to risk assessments and strict SOPs.
7. Transport – Taxis and e-hailing services will be allowed to carry three people at a time, including the driver.
8. Markets – All markets will be allowed to operate, in line with SOPs.
9. Entertainment – The creative industry will be allowed to operate, for example, live shows without an audience.
Image via Firdaus Latif/Malay Mail
Since Phase 4 is the last phase, there are no exhaustive SOPs listed
The condition for this phase to take place is that daily COVID-19 cases must be below 500, 60% of the population must be fully vaccinated, and the health system must be at a safe level.
Ismail said that this last phase will allow everyone to return to the norms of daily life where almost all sectors are fully allowed to operate, subject to the existing SOPs that have been set.