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HomeNewsGrant to produce video content on sustainable tourism

Grant to produce video content on sustainable tourism

KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Tourism Board is inviting Sabah-based production companies and YouTube content creators to apply for a grant to produce video content on sustainable tourism.

The grant amounts to RM5,000 per three-minute video.

“Sabah has many great stories to tell from its fascinating culture to unique adventures and enchanting experiences. We have always been active in the general destination storytelling but there is room to explore more untapped yet important information, especially in relation to how our tourism industry is balancing economic factors with sustainability,” says Noredah Othman, General Manager of Sabah Tourism Board.

“This adds value to our tourism offerings as travellers are becoming more eco-conscious on their choices of travel. While enjoying the destination, many seek options that are community-based and localized,” she adds.

Sustainable Tourism is not narrowed to just efforts of relying on natural resources but taps into other subjects such as cultural perseverance and socio-economic factors. This practice is also in tandem with the UNDP Sustainable Development Goals.

“Tree planting, for example, is a typical Corporate Social Responsibility activity. The ultimate goal is to plant and increase the number of trees, but adding value to this activity would be the education behind the type of trees that should be planted in certain areas. There is a story to be told. Farmstays and herbal gardens, these ideas too, go back to the essence of natural resources and there is sparked interest in incorporating this in travel, almost an appeal for an educational journey.

“Community-based Tourism is also a perfect example of sustainable tourism efforts. Even resorts and hotels continue to adopt sustainable initiatives such as reducing plastic packaging and utilization of technology for the Business Events segment significantly reduces the usage of paper.

“There are stories of Sabah to tell, and we wish to provide an opportunity to our talented and creative content creators to produce such content,” adds Noredah.

Details of this grant are available on the Sabah Tourism Board’s corporate website

Sabah-based video production companies and YouTube content creators will be required to submit proposals for Sabah Tourism to shortlist for this grant.

The closing date for submission is 11th June 2021.

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