KUCHING (June 10): The Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) Sarawak wants the current Movement Control Order (MCO) to be extended after June 14 to break the chain of Covid-19 infections.
Its secretary Andrew Lo opined that the government would have no choice but to extend the MCO since the number of infections was still high.
“What we are more concerned is that there are so many exemptions given to businesses that there are still so much movement of people and the traffic volume is still quite high,” he said when contacted by The Borneo Post today.
He was asked to offer his views whether the MCO should be extended given he current pandemic situation.
The daily Covid-19 infections, at both state and national level, have been high since the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration mid last month.
Lo said it is high time for the government to tighten measures lest people might see extensions after extensions of MCO to curb the pandemic.
He added that half-baked measures would only prolong the agony of not seeing a reduced infection rate.
He asserted that tightening the measures and rules would mean that the government should continue not allowing dine-in.
“Dine-in will make the pandemic situation worse. Tighten the rules, enforce them consistently and focus on beating the pandemic, not pampering to businesses.
“It’s better to cure the disease rather than to die a slow death. Businesses will actually suffer more if MCO keeps on extending and extending when the cases are not coming down,” said Lo.