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Couple Serves Xing Fu Tang At Tea Ceremony And Holds Stunning Hot Pot Wedding Photoshoot

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You might love hot pot. But do you love it enough to include it in your wedding photos?

This couple did and we’re here for it!

Image via JuMi Story

While others take photos in gardens and on beaches, Jun Ying and Miya Gu decided to hold their wedding photoshoot at a hot pot restaurant

Jun Ying, who hails from Taiwan, said his wife is from Nanjing and they both moved to Canada in their teenage years.

He recently shared photos of their photoshoot on Facebook group Subtle Asian Traits, which quickly went viral. 

Image via JuMi Story

Image via JuMi Story

Being photographers themselves, Jun Ying shared with SAYS that they enjoy mixing in elements they love, such as hot pot and bubble tea, to create different aesthetics

“The two of us have been known as the photographer couple who like to challenge the norm and come up with unconventional styles when it comes to wedding photos.”

“Hot pot is Miya’s favourite food. She loves the flavour, the vibe, and most importantly the process of eating it,” he said, adding that it forces people to eat slower and gives them a chance to talk to each other, rather than looking at their phones.

Image via JuMi Story

“Weddings are a way to bring everyone together, so we thought that hot pot serves as a meaningful way to symbolise our hope of remembering the happy times we all spend together, whether at weddings or in our daily lives,” he said.

Image via JuMi Story

Inspired by a past wedding client, the pair added their own twist to the tea ceremony.

“We ordered our favourite brown sugar boba, Xing Fu Tang (which means ‘happiness’), for our families and everyone in the bridal party.”

Image via JuMi Story

He said that the drinks were to keep everyone energised and were also served to the maid of honour who’s always been like an older sister to Miya.

Meanwhile, they stuck to serving the usual tea to family during the ceremony.

“This way we were able to keep what we wanted but still make the parents happy,” he added.

Image via JuMi Story

The couple also gave out little dim sum toys as door gifts and to use as props for their photo session

“We have a tight group of friends and on our WhatsApp group, we named ourselves, ‘The artistic Dim Sum group’ for various reasons. This group means a lot to us so we invited them to participate in our indoor games, and gifted them dim sum props as a way to say ‘thank you’ for all the memories we’ve created together.”

Image via JuMi Story

At their wedding reception, they paid tribute to their Chinese roots with their first dance.

“[We] incorporated the Chinese classics – a bit of fan dance, some martial art moves, the traditional dance – all together into this once-in-a-lifetime dance,” which they jokingly wrote on Instagram that they’ll probably never do again because of Jun Ying’s coordination. 

Image via JuMi Story

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