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“Adik Rindu Kawan” – Children Share Their Perspective In This Touching Hari Kebangsaan Ad

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Digi always pulls on our heartstrings with their heartwarming videos. Now, they’re back with another one just in time for Hari Kebangsaan!

However, what’s truly unique about this year’s Hari Kebangsaan ad is that it features the children of actual Malaysian videographers who had to change jobs due to the lockdown.

Over the past two years, all of these videographers have taken up different jobs. Some of them used to work for production houses, while others were freelancers from TV stations. Nevertheless, with the lockdown affecting their line of work, they’ve had to find other means of making a living.

As a way of giving these videographers a chance to once again do what they’re passionate about, Digi personally reached out to feature them and their children. Each of them filmed their kids at home and submitted their footage, which was then put together into this heartwarming film.

In this three-minute short film, Teladan looks at our current situation from the standpoint of Malaysian children, who witness the kindness and perseverance of their parents

Watch the full video below:

Throughout this Hari Kebangsaan ad, Digi asks children what the pandemic means to them and explores the imprint it has left on their lives.

As the children become aware of everyday struggles that their parents and people around them face, they also pick up on values like determination, kindness, and generosity to those who are more in need.

Often, these real-life experiences can have an enduring influence on children, instilling important values that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Forced to adapt to a new daily routine, these children just yearn for simple joys like playing with friends or spending waktu rehat together

Image via Digi

Child: “I miss my friends, miss my teacher, I miss… recess.”

When asked about how their mums and dads are doing, they know that things are different now.

And when you hear them start sharing their hearts out… :'(

Image via Digi

Child: “Mummy and Daddy are sad too. They used to be happy.”

Nevertheless, the children see their parents persevering and doing their best, setting a good example for them

Image via Digi

Child: “Daddy does a lot of work. He delivers stuff, helps people move homes, even drives a lorry.”

Young as they are, they also understand why helping others is important, despite their own family’s challenges

Image via Digi

Child: “Because things are a lot worse for some others, because Daddy said they’re our family too.”

All in all, this touching video reminds us that we can still be hopeful like a little child, even though we aren’t sure what tomorrow will bring

“Perspective shapes the lens in which we view hardships and children have a unique way of seeing things optimistically,” said Bernard Lee, Digi’s Head of Marketing Services.

“As they watch their parents find creative ways to make ends meet and give back to the community, they too will adopt this spirit of perseverance and compassion. May we never forget the valuable lessons we are imparting to our children, who will ultimately make up the future generation of leaders,” he added.

Digi wishes all Malaysians a Selamat Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia, and to stay safe at home! <3

You can watch the full Teladan Hari Kebangsaan film on Digi’s YouTube or Facebook.

Watch some of Digi’s other heartwarming videos below:

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