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HomeNewsDAP Miri to MDMMC: Impose MCO in Miri to curb Covid-19 infections

DAP Miri to MDMMC: Impose MCO in Miri to curb Covid-19 infections

Peter Hee

MIRI (May 17): Democratic Action Party (DAP) Miri is calling the Miri Divisional Disaster Management Committee (MDDMC) to impose the Movement Control Order (MCO) in Miri to curb the spread of Covid-19 infections.

Its youth chief Peter Hee said the enhanced standard operating procedures (SOP) under the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) do not seem to be effective in controlling the spread of the infection but hundreds of new positive cases have been recorded over the past few days.

“In the past several days, Miri has recorded hundreds of cases daily. This is the sign that showed us the need to be decisive by imposing MCO similar to the first MCO in March last year.

“The pandemic has been going on for more than a year, yet there isn’t any improvement. It is only by locking down the red zones, once and for all, that we have a chance to control this pandemic, to gradually return to our daily routine and for the economy to recover,” he said.

Hee said: “Sarawak should emulate countries like Taiwan, China and Singapore whose governments immediately lockdown their city right after cases were detected.

“It would cause temporarily inconveniences to the local businesses but until it is safe, it would be the right thing to do.”

Hee also reminded the public to not take the current situation lightly, as the healthcare system has been stretched and hospitals as well as quarantine centres have almost reached their full capacity.

“The government must be decisive on implementing the best policy for the people and similarly, full cooperation from the people is highly needed to put this pandemic under control,” he added.

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