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As Umno roars in assembly, PAS sec-gen tweets cryptic message about lost loves

It is unknown which parties Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan's message was about. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa
It is unknown which parties Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan’s message was about. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

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KUALA LUMPUR, March 28 — PAS secretary-general Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan posted a very cryptic message on Twitter today that hinted at the end of the Islamist party’s political relationships in the run-up to GE15.

PAS has been caught between two other Malay Muslim political parties, Umno which is holding its 75th annual general assembly today, and Bersatu, which is the main party of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government.

“I may have lost someone who didn’t love me, but you lost someone who truly loved you,” Takiyuddin, the de facto law minister tweeted briefly.

He enclosed an image showing the three political party flags and their respective presidents side by side in the post: PAS’ Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, Umno’s Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, and Bersatu’s Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who is also prime minister.



It is unknown if Takiyuddin was signifying the end of PAS’ relationship with Umno or Bersatu.

The Islamist party’s commitment to Muafakat Nasional (MN), a charter of political cooperation signed in 2019, has come under question at the Umno general assembly which kicked off yesterday.

At the general assembly today, Zahid reminded PAS of its loyalty to MN, where one of the agreements they made was to hold off joining other political coalitions.

While Umno has been firm with their stand to withdraw support from PN, PAS has made it clear that it wants to keep both its membership with MN and PN.

Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah told reporters after Zahid’s policy speech that his party has no qualms going against PAS in the elections if the Islamist party chooses PN instead.

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