IPOH: PPBM and PAS assemblymen have submitted statutory declarations (SDs) to the Perak ruler supporting Umno’s Kota Tampan rep Saarani Mohamad as the state’s new menteri besar.
The assemblymen submitted their SDs during an audience with Perak’s Sultan Nazrin Shah at around 4.30pm.
PPBM’s representatives in Perak are former menteri besar and Chenderiang rep Ahmad Faizal Azumu, Zainol Fadzi Paharuddin (Sungai Manik), Nolee Ashilin Mohamed Radzi (Tualang Sekah), Yunus Jamhari (Kuala Kurau) and Hasnul Zulkarnain Abd Munaim (Titi Serong).
PAS’ representatives are Razman Zakaria (Gunung Semanggol), Mohd Akmal Kamaruddin (Selama) and Khalil Yahaya (Kubu Gajah).
Razman, who spoke to reporters outside Istana Kinta, said the assemblymen had signed the SDs according to what was agreed upon between the presidents of Umno, PPBM, and PAS.
“We have signed the SDs as per the decision of our presidents. Let the palace confirm the numbers, we are only bringing the mandate of our presidents to His Majesty,” the Perak PAS chief said.
Perak PPBM secretary Zainol said they presented five SDs from Nolee Ashiln, Yunus, and himself, as well as independent rep Paul Yong (Tronoh) and Gerakan’s A Sivasubramaniam (Buntong).
On the SDs of Faizal and Hasnul, Zainol said Faizal is expected to have an audience with Sultan Nazrin later while Hasnul already had an audience with His Majesty yesterday.
Perak Umno chairman, Saarani, who PAS and PPBM are backing as the menteri besar candidate, is expected to have an audience with the sultan later today.