YAN, Aug 8 — Kedah Fire and Rescue Department (JBPM) is focusing on five popular spots which are most at risk of a water surge incident following the current unpredictable weather conditions.

Kedah JBPM director Sayani Saidon said the locations are Bukit Wang in Jitra, Surau Batu picnic spot (Bukit Kayu Hitam), Kuala Sungai Sedim (Kulim), Titi Hayun Resort (Yan) and Lubuk Semilang Recreation Park (Langkawi).

“We wish to remind the local community to take precautions and be aware of the surrounding conditions when going on a picnic with this unpredictable weather, when it rains heavily and the water has changed colour or dry leaves are floating, leave the area immediately,” he told reporters at the launch of Kedah JBPM Community Fire Brigades here today.

Sayani said more frequent monitoring would be carried out at the areas to avoid any untoward incident as happened in Yan and Baling earlier.

“We also work with the Community Fire Brigades and today 10 teams were launched for Zone 2 and they will be the department’s eyes and ears and will support us in safety campaigns and activities.

“We hope with the training and knowledge gained, the community brigades will be able to help spread safety awareness and respond to fire incidents fast,” he said.

Sayani added that to date, 61 community fire brigades have been established in the state consisting of 893 members. — Bernama