Petaling Jaya Police chief ACP Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid said in the incident at about 12.08 pm, the 24-year-old victim and his friend, 19, were each injured in the chest, abdomen and back. — Picture by Ahmad Zamzahuri
KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 8 — Police arrested a 15-year-old boy on suspicion of stabbing his brother under an apartment block at Taman Putra Damai in Kelana Jaya near here yesterday.
Petaling Jaya Police chief ACP Mohamad Fakhrudin Abdul Hamid said in the incident at about 12.08 pm, the 24-year-old victim and his friend, 19, were each injured in the chest, abdomen and back.
According to him, initial investigations showed that the victim was angry at the teenager for riding a motorcycle without his sister’s knowledge.
“The victim’s friend who tried to settle the dispute was hurt by a four-inch folding knife used by the suspect in the scuffle.
“Both victims were sent to the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre and are reported to be in stable condition,” he said in a statement today.
He said the suspect, who was out of school, was detained right after the incident and that the case is being investigated under Section 326 of the Penal Code. — Bernama