KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 19 — Any attempt purporting a narrative that Datuk Seri Najib Razak is a victim in his SRC International court case is “highly mischievous”, said the Malaysian Bar today.

In a statement, Bar President Karen Cheah Yee Lynn said that it was Najib’s own decision to change his own lawyers so late into proceedings, noting that it was the second time the former prime minister had done so during the case.

“Therefore, any purported injustice he claims himself to be in, if any, is surely self-inflicted.

“His expectations of a fair trial, of which has been fully accorded to him at all material times, must also mean that he places himself in the judicial system without any crafty schemes — especially if he truly values his right to liberty.

“What is apparent is that there have been no convincing reasons given for such discharge twice, either so near to the hearing dates or even during hearing of the matter at the Federal Court.

“Such hearing dates were not only fixed well in advance, but publicly publicised,” she said.

Today, Najib discharged law firm Zaid Ibrahim Sufian TH Liew & Partners from acting as his solicitors, just about three and a half weeks after they were hired.

Najib had previously dropped his counsel Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah and the rest of his defence team on July 25.

Currently, the former prime minister is represented by lead counsel Hisyam Teh Poh Teik, who himself had yesterday applied to be discharged if the Federal Court refused to defer hearing the final appeal.

His reasoning was that he did not have enough time to prepare for the case.

Hisyam has since declined to file any submissions to defend Najib in the case.