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HomeNationalJohor cops issue 3,015 compounds for Covid-19 SOP violations

Johor cops issue 3,015 compounds for Covid-19 SOP violations

Johor police have issued a total of 3,015 compounds for SOP violations under the National Recovery Plan from Phase 1 until last Thursday. – Picture by Hari Anggara

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KLUANG, Oct 23 — Johor police have issued a total of 3,015 compounds for violation of the standard operating procedures (SOP) under the National Recovery Plan (PPN), from Phase 1 until last Thursday.

Johor police chief Datuk Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said the compounds included PPN Phase 1 which saw 1,876 compounds issued, Phase 2 (327 compounds) and Phase 3 (812 compounds).

He said police have been conducting checks since Oct 1, where 8,838 individuals were checked at shopping centres, recreational parks (4,400), sports premises (1,910), picnic areas (1,598) and camp-sites (51).

“Of that grand total, 8,665 individuals were given verbal warnings while 41 were compounded for failing to comply with Covid-19 SOP.

“The compounds issued varied in sums while for flouting SOP at entertainment outlets, we issue the maximum penalty,” he told reporters after a visit to Machap Rest & Recreation (R&R) heading to the South, here today.

Ayob Khan said police have been carrying out monitoring and operations at all R&R and lay-by stops along the highway since Oct 15 to ensure compliance with the set SOP.

According to him, a total of 711 checks were held at three R&R and five southbound lay-bys, followed by two R&R and five northbound lay-by stops on the PLUS Highway, apart from two R&R on the Second Link Expressway.

“Police monitoring will be an ongoing process from time to time to ensure strict compliance to SOP with no exceptions,” he said. — Bernama

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