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HomeNationalKapit folks frustrated over very poor telco services in district

Kapit folks frustrated over very poor telco services in district

Local housing developer Tay Hock Joo calls upon the government, through its relevant agencies, to really look into the telco problems that are adversely affecting his fellow townsfolks. – Borneo Post pic

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KAPIT, April 16 – A local resident laments about the “poor and highly unsatisfactory” mobile phone reception here – a problem that has been going on for years without any much action being taken by the relevant authorities.

Tay Hock Joo, a local housing developer, says such poor wireless service has triggered lots of complaints among the mobile users here.

In this regard, he calls upon the government, through its relevant agencies, to look into the matter seriously.

“This problem has been a great inconvenience to the local mobile subscribers for many years.

“Yes, the telcos (telecommunications companies) would, from time to time, run promotions of their new and cost-saving packages, but at the end of the day, they are of no use to us and there’s no improvement at all; the worse thing is that we still we have to pay for the monthly subscriptions.

“I pay my monthly bills promptly, and still, the services are unsatisfactory.

“I have lodged complaints many times, but there’s still no improvement,” Tay told The Borneo Post here.

Another mobile subscriber in Bletih, who wanted to be identified only as James, said he would see many missed calls on his phone’s call history, but there was never any ringing.

“When the phone rings and I answer the call, there’s no sound from the caller.

“This has been happening over and over again, and it’s ridiculous,” said James.

Another property developer, Datuk Yong Hua Sying, also complained about the poor mobile reception over his residential area at KM3 of Jalan Bukit Goram here.

Just like James, he had many times experienced the situation where his phone rang, but there was no voice from the other end when he picked up the call.

“I find the telco services wanting; there’s just no improvement.

“It’s the subscribers who continue to suffer, as no one can give any precise answer as to what causes this problem,” he pointed out. – Borneo Post

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