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What is ‘beauty snacking’?

‘Beauty snacking’ is one of the key trends for 2022, according to WGSN. — Picture courtesy of simona pilolla 2 / Shutterstock via ETX Studio

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NEW YORK, Dec 17 — A phenomenon that emerged during the first lockdowns, ‘beauty snacking’ is gaining more and more followers around the world to the point of becoming a key trend for the year to come. But what does this appetising term mean and how does it fit into our daily lives? We’ll explain it all to you!

You know those long working days that seem to drag on? What about that famous afternoon slump, which usually happens an hour after lunch, around 3pm, are you familiar with that feeling? There is just one solution to these two problems, a little pick-me-up! But we’re not talking about coffee, tea, or even worse, alcoholic beverages… No, it’s all about taking a beauty shot that combines relaxation, pleasure, and a well-deserved break. That’s what beauty snacking is all about, and the trend already counts followers all around the world.

A wellness break

During the lockdown, workdays, or rather the days of online work, were long and tiring, if not endless. As a result, the long moments of soaking in the bathtub, a charcoal mask applied to the face, while waiting for a scrub and the home hair treatment indulged in every Saturday, all those have turned into micro sessions of self care, between two contracts, reports, or videoconferences. The objective is to take an invigorating, energising break, that helps you avoid the monotony of this period of social distancing. Thus the trend of ‘beauty snacking’ came to be.

And contrary to what one might have imagined, heading back to the office didn’t really alter these new habits adopted by women and men during lockdown. While we’re not suggesting you apply a quick face mask in the middle of an open space, it is about using certain — more discreet — products at any time of the day to give your morale, as well as your skin, a boost. Trend agency WGSN predicts the trend will increasingly take off in 2022, citing “micro beauty moments” to “break up the homeworking lifestyle or create moments of pleasure.”

Which products are good for “beauty snacking?”

Of course we’re not talking about giving yourself a wax or scrub or deep moisturizing treatment in the middle of the day… You can save these relaxing moments for the weekend. On the other hand, there are a multitude of products — and more are expected to arrive at rapid pace in 2022 — that are perfectly suited to this new practice. You’re probably already using some of them… Like lip balm and scrub, rapid face masks, eye masks and patches (of course it’s better to be working remotely when using those last two).

But the cosmetics best suited to this trending routine of the future are none other than moisturising mists and sprays that can be applied at any time of the day, no matter where, and which don’t affect one’s makeup. Dry shampoos can be used between two meetings, while a multitude of tools for the face such as the famous jade or rose quartz stone rollers, and tools used for gua sha massage can be used for a quick, relaxing swipe. It’s a great way to treat yourself — and your skin — in just a few minutes. All that’s left is to start recharging your beauty batteries at any time of the day and year. — ETX Studio

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