Everyone feels sad or low from time to time – it is part of life. But when these feelings become overwhelming, it can be a severe risk to your health.
There are many definitions of depression, and just as every case is different, the symptoms are also very varied.
But there are some common signs of depression that can be seen in different intensities in different people. Here are some of the more common signs of depression.
Loss of energy

Constant fatigue can be a sign of depression. Fatigue can be caused by many factors, including stress and a lack of sleep but, when no other cause can be found, it might be depression.
Sufferers experience physical depletion even after a good meal and a good night’s sleep. They can also be sluggish throughout the day and experience sweating and panting when doing simple household chores.
If you are always exhausted for no good reason, do get tested for depression.
Loss of interest in activities

A clear sign of depression is losing interest in activities you previously found enjoyable. You may no longer get a sense of pleasure from doing anything. Sometimes, this feeling is seen as fatigue, but it is quite different.
You may have the physical energy to work or engage in a hobby, but you just don’t want to do it. It may end up with you being completely disinterested in doing anything. Sudden changes in behaviour like this can be a symptom of depression.
Abrupt weight changes

Sudden weight change can be symptomatic of depression, especially if it’s a significant weight change which is defined as a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month.
Many factors work together to cause weight changes when you have depression such as being sedentary, eating unhealthy foods, lack of energy and a change of appetite.
Irritability and anger

Some people have a better handle on their temper than others. However, if a relatively calm and composed person starts becoming irritable, it may be symptomatic of depression.
While some people may appear only slightly irritable and growl more or keep staring angrily, others may become violent. Sudden anger-fuelled rants or rampages are signs of serious depression. It may be one thing that triggers your anger, such as your neighbour’s dog barking, or everyone and everything can cause anger, which is much worse.
Reckless behaviour

Depression can leave life feeling quite bland, which can lead to trying to cover up that feeling by engaging in reckless behaviour. Some people do have a higher tolerance for danger than others and actually enjoy it, but if such behaviour is generally out of character, it can be an indication of depression. This is known as escapist behaviour.
Getting into fights, reckless driving or substance abuse can indicate depression. The bad news is that the behaviour may start small with things such as shoplifting, but the more severe the depression gets, the more dangerous the activities become. Soon, you may find yourself risking your life.
Cognitive issues

Depression is a mental health disorder, which means it affects brain function. If you find that you are having problems concentrating on tasks, you may be depressed. Concentration is vital for success in any task, even cleaning your kitchen. If you have depression, a task that normally takes an hour may take two to complete.
Human memory is incredibly delicate, and depression can cause much harm. A person suffering from depression will often forget even the smallest things and it can affect your decision-making ability. You may take longer to make decisions, or making even a simple decision may involve significant strain.
There are many more symptoms of depression but the ones above are easiest to detect.
If you notice any of these symptoms, alone or in combination with others, in yourself or a loved one, it is important to get tested for depression. Depression is a serious issue and needs to be addressed as soon as it is recognised.
Dennis Relojo-Howell is the founder of Psychreg and host of The DRH Show. You can connect with him on Twitter @drelojo_howell