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HomeBREAKING NEWS6 helpful ways to relieve anxiety

6 helpful ways to relieve anxiety

Anxiety leads to poor mental clarity. (Verywell Mind pic)

With Covid-19 cases on the rise and greater emphasis being placed on social distancing, sanitising everything and staying at home as much as you can, being part of the new normal can be downright daunting.

On top of that, keeping mounting anxiety at bay during this unprecedented time is more challenging than ever. However, it’s important to remember that it is totally alright to feel vulnerable during times like these – we are going through a pandemic after all.

Top it off with other stress contributors like work, personal affairs and the like, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Although there is no instant fix for anxiety, showering a little self-care will do the trick. Here are some simple tricks on how you can ease your anxiety at home.

1. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is great for reducing stress and anxiety. (Rawpixel pic)

Aromatherapy works great in calming anxiety. Whether it is through scented candles or calming oils, fragrance alleviates tension in our body and improves mental clarity.

Most importantly, it tames your anxiety and panic attacks by stimulating your smell receptors. Try sniffing some soothing lavender or refreshing sweet oranges to uplift your mood.

2. Write down your thoughts

Writing down your emotions in a journal gives you a new perspective. (Rawpixel pic)

Dedicate a few minutes to journaling your thoughts and emotions. This helps to identify your stressors if you’re feeling overwhelmed or distressed.

When you begin to comprehend the root cause of your emotion, you might change the way you look at it. Don’t type your feelings out on a computer, though. Grab a journal or diary and write them out manually instead.

3. Meditate

Mindfulness meditation helps to calm both mind and body. (Rawpixel pic)

If you’re on the lookout to practice mindfulness, meditation is the way to go. Of course, you can’t master meditation instantly. But you can unfold the process by building the habit.

The more control you have over your mind, the calmer you feel. Don’t worry about how long you’re doing it or if you’re doing right – just do it even it’s for a couple of minutes because practice makes perfect.

4. Eat right

A healthy gut leads to a healthy mind. (Rawpixel pic)

Not that you don’t know this, but making the right food choices is important for managing anxiety. Eating a healthy and balanced diet promotes a healthy gut, and the best way to improve your mental health is through it.

Remember, a healthy stomach leads to a healthy mind.

5. Get enough sleep

Inadequate sleep can trigger anxiety. (Rawpixel pic)

Sleep is important to maintain your mental and emotional health as it helps to re-energise the brain. Inadequate sleep can disrupt your productivity and trigger anxiety and stress.

If you are feeling anxious and worried, ensure to schedule seven to eight hours of snooze time. You’ll notice the difference in your mood after a good rest.

6. Take some time out

Taking time out is essential for your mental health. (Rawpixel pic)

Feeling scattered? Take some time out. It’s okay to disconnect yourself from reality, even if that means switching off your phone and staying away from social media. Take some time to allow yourself to do absolutely nothing to help you realign your perspective.

Allowing yourself to take a step back and give your brain some quiet time is the first step to self-help. Too often, people don’t give themselves enough time for self-care.

Whether you’re noshing down a whole bar of chocolate, lounging in bed all day or vegging out on the couch watching Netflix, it’s completely fine, don’t feel guilty for indulging in some self-care.

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