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Woman Upset After People Take Away Her Apartment Cat’s Comfy Box And Blanket

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A community cat in Singapore ended up sleeping on the ground after its cosy cardboard box and blanket were taken away

A woman named Nicole Ling took to Facebook group Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats on 24 August to share the incident after being upset with her neighbours over the removal of the cat’s bed.

The community cat, Gracie, has been sleeping in the box under a sheltered area in the apartment building due to heavy rain

Ling said she provided Gracie the warm blanket while another resident had given Gracie the box.

“[Gracie] was so happy in her box and residents were petting her joyfully,” she wrote, sharing photos of the cat all wrapped up.

Image via Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats (Facebook)

Image via Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats (Facebook)

However, the next time Ling saw Gracie, the box and blanket were missing

“I found her curling up beside the lift. Someone threw away her beautiful box with warm blanket, leaving Gracie with no box!” she said.

She shared a photo of the cat seen tightly curled up on the apartment floor.

Image via Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats (Facebook)

By the end of the post, the woman called on others to stop removing boxes that have been given to community cats

Members of the Facebook group have since recommended leaving a note on the box to inform others not to discard it.

Others suggested placing the box at a corner with lesser human traffic so Gracie can sleep in peace while minimising the chance of residents bumping into her.

Fortunately, Ling has since updated the group with some good news

The next day, 25 August, the woman said Gracie was given a new box and blanket by a neighbour, who is one of the cat’s regular feeders.

“Gracie and her box and blankie are back in the hood! She is happily rested in her warm box and blankie,” she shared.

Ling added that she will move the box to a more sheltered area because it has still been raining and will leave a notice on the box this time.

Image via Sayang Our Singapore’s Community Cats (Facebook)

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