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Woman Gets Cursed By Anti-Vax Friend After She Refuses To Share Her Vaccine Cert

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A woman took to Facebook in disbelief after an anti-vaxxer outright scolded her for not sharing her COVID-19 vaccine certificate with her

In a post last Friday, 20 August, Facebook user Zura Kadershah wrote that an old friend had messaged her out of the blue and tried to take advantage of her vaccinated status.

“I swear I cannot brain people like this. Whether you are an anti-vaxxer, antivirus, antibacterial, or antibiotic, that is your problem. But don’t ever misuse someone else’s MySejahtera vaccine certificate for your own gain,” Zura said.

“We have gone through the difficulty of lining up at the hospital, getting jabbed, then braving the arm pain, muscle ache, and fever for days. How dare you ask people for this?”

Zura, from Penang, told SAYS that the woman who messaged her is an old friend she only knew for a few months in high school.

Sharing screenshots of the conversation, Zura and the friend exchanged friendly greetings before she asked if she was vaccinated

“Can you show me your digital cert? I just want to see. Can right?” the woman asked.

Zura hesitantly replied, “How can I share things like that, babe. It’s private and confidential.”

“I just want to see what the digital cert is like,” the friend pressured. “I’ve asked many people and nobody wants to share.”

Zura answered, “Ya, because these things are private. Many people have misused these certs, so I don’t dare to share.”

Image via Zura Kadershah (Facebook)

The woman then suddenly admitted to Zura that she needed the certificate because she wants to dine in and go shopping.

Because she does not believe in taking the vaccine.

With that, Zura stood her ground and told the anti-vaxxer that she will now obviously not share her certificate.

Unexpectedly, instead of backing off, she was met with curses.

“F*ck you, bitch. Go die. You’ve already completed the vaccine, so just wait for the angel of death to come get you. Then you can straight go to hell.”

Image via Zura Kadershah (Facebook)

Dismissing the woman, Zura wanted to remind others to not simply share their vaccine certificates online

“Please don’t post photos of your digital vaccine certificate on social media because there are many irresponsible individuals who will make fake certificates out of them, especially like this group of anti-vaxxers,” she wrote.

She added it was especially not right for someone to ask her for her certificate so shamelessly then further insult her for refusing to cooperate.

The post has garnered over 16,000 shares on Facebook with netizens also in disbelief with the person’s behaviour

“Hahaha. She wanted to use another person’s ceritificate to go shopping. She has no shame,” said a Facebook user.

Image via Facebook

“My heart hurts reading this. Can’t believe there are seriously humans like this,” said another.

Image via Facebook

This netizen said, “She initially spoke so sweetly because she wanted something and when she didn’t get it, she became worse than satan. Do let her know, Allah told us to work hard and have faith. The vaccine is one of the efforts for the good of us all.”

Image via Facebook

Although many netizens had asked Zura to reveal her friend’s identity, Zura told SAYS that she did not out of respect for her friend’s mother, who has since called to apologise for her daughter’s behaviour.

She added that her friend has also since apologised to her.

The police arrested an anti-vax couple today for dining in at a restaurant without being vaccinated:

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