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US high school principal orders doors in bathrooms be removed to improve safety

A high school principal in Texas, US has ordered doors to bathrooms be removed to improve safety. — AFP pic

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KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16 — Plagued by drug use and ‘conduct’ violations’, a high school principal in Texas, US, has ordered doors to bathrooms in the school be removed to improve safety.

Explaining her decision to parents via a letter, Travis Early College High School principal Christina Steele Hantgin said 90 per cent of the school’s drug offenses were taking place in the restrooms and since removing the doors, the incidents have stopped entirely, Daily Mail reported.

“Our bathrooms were unsafe and student incidents are evidence of this.

“We have had multiple significant behavioural events along with other student code of conduct violations that have taken place in our restrooms already this year.

Hantgin said that the decision was ‘not taken lightly,’ and admitted that she could have done a better job communicating the plan to parents.

The school’s Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) president Myrna Ruvalcaba said the bathroom doors were removed on Nov 4, and parents were only informed of the matter a week later.

“I can tell you that the students are not thrilled with the decision.

“At our PTSA meeting on Thursday we did have a few students that spoke with the principal and told them that they felt uncomfortable with the decision.”

Myrna’s daughter Anahi Ruvalcaba, said members of her cheer squad were ‘really upset’ about the decision.

“I was most worried about my male teammate who is gay [and] already feels uncomfortable in the boys restroom.

“It would be even worse for him now without the doors.”

The school had previously tried locking the doors but could not monitor it consistently.

The method also inconvenient students as they must walk further to find an open restroom and lose learning time.