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Two Sabah areas under EMCO

Bernama file photo

KOTA KINABALU: Two localities in Sabah will be placed under an Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) 

from September 2 to 15, the National Security Council announced on Tuesday.

They are Kampung Narawang and Kampung Mininsalu Baru (Pasir Putih) in Ranau district.

The EMCO in Taman Ria Height in Tawau would be extended from Sept 2 to Sept 15 while the

EMCOs at Kampung Payas-Payas in Kota Belud, Beverly Hills Phase 3 and Regency Park in Penampang, and Kampung Iburu and Kampung Meligan in Sipitang will end on September 1.

The lockdowns at Complex Baiduri Ayu in Felda Sahabat 9, Lahad Datu, Moynod 1 farm workers’ housing in Beluran, Kampung Kulambai, Kampung Kulambai Kupang and Kampung Kulambai Dundau in Kota Belud have also been lifted.