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Traditional sports show on live-streaming

Terrance Pudin

KOTA KINABALU: A traditional sports show in conjunction with the state-level Harvest Festival celebration will be live-streamed to the public from today (Thursday).

Sabah Sports Board (SSB) general manager, Terrance Pudin, said the public can log into UnitGrafik kbss Facebook account to watch the events.

The traditional sports are Mipulos (arm-wrestling), Momolositik (slingshot), Monungkava Kalabau (buffalo roping), Migazat Dukug (tug-of-war), Manandus (javelin), Tumutu (paddy pounding), Mopiri (lighting a fire) and Mipansa (knuckles and fingers wrestling).

“All these events will be held at the Hongkod Koisaan KDCA outdoor stage and that it is only a performance and not for competition.

“The performance too will take place without any crowd present,” he said here on Wednesday.

However, Deputy Chief Minister-cum-state level Kaamatan festival main organising chairman Datuk Seri Dr Jeffery Kitingan and Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ellron Angin as well as several invited guests will be present for the opening ceremony.

“The events will start at 9am and until 1pm…the public can log into UnitGrafik kbss Facbook to watch the performance,” he added.

Towards this end, Terrance expressed gratitude for including traditional sports as one of the events to celebrate the state level Harvest Festival celebration.