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Tracie crowned Tambunan Unduk Ngadau

Tracie (centre) flanked by Rozeline (left) and Arcyca at the Unduk Ngadau Tambunan Borderless contest.

KOTA KINABALU: Actress, Tracie Sinidol, 20, was crowned as Tambunan Unduk Ngadau Borderless recently.

She beat 11 other contestants all vying for the crown at the event held at the Gapari Garden Tambunan on the evening of April 28.

Tracie who aspires to become a teacher won RM2,500 cash and hampers as well as being appointed as the ambassador of a beauty product.

Coming second was Rozeline John who won RM2,000 cash and hampers while the third prize went to Arcyca Alex who brought home RM1,500 cash and hampers.

Meanwhile, the State level Unduk Ngadau Borderless contest chairperson, Joanna Kitingan when contacted said that Tambunan was the first district to organize the competition.

Tracie would be representing Tambunan in the upcoming State Level Unduk Ngadau Borderless contest to be held by the end of May.

The post Tracie crowned Tambunan Unduk Ngadau appeared first on Borneo Post Online.