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Suit to charge Hadi for sedition fixed for case management in January

Marang MP Hadi is accused of making seditious statements against Christians and Christian missionaries.

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here has fixed Jan 23 for case management in a suit filed by two Sabahans who want the attorney-general to prosecute PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang for allegedly making a seditious statement against Christians.

Lawyer R Kengadharan, who is appearing for Maklin Masiau and Lawrence Jomiji Kinsil @ Maximilhian, said the court registry informed him of the date last week.

The lawyer also said he had sent by courier a sealed copy of the cause papers to Hadi’s constituency office in Marang, Terengganu.

Hadi, who is Malaysia’s special envoy to the Middle East, is also Marang MP.

Earlier, the lawyer said the sealed cause papers were delivered to PAS headquarters here and the attorney-general was served a copy on Dec 14.

Maklin, 48 and Lawrence, 64, want a declaration that Hadi had committed the offence under Section 3 of the Sedition Act and want a declaration that he is unfit to hold any position in the government.

In the originating summons, the duo said Hadi made a seditious statement in the PAS organ Harakah on Jan 18, 2016 against Christians and/or Christian missionaries.

“It has been more than four years since the defendant (Hadi) issued the statement but no prosecution has been brought against him,” they said.

In their affidavit in support of the action, the two also said Hadi’s statement was also published by FMT on the same day.

“We respectfully believe that the defendant has made an unfounded statement and cast aspersions on Christians and/or Christian missionaries which has become a matter of public interest,” they added.