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State stand on Anwar, PKR tells DAP after youth chief’s outburst

Razeef Rakimin says DAP must explain the statement by Phoong Jin Zhe on Anwar Ibrahim’s leadership.

PETALING JAYA: A Sabah PKR Youth leader has demanded that DAP explain its stand on Anwar Ibrahim’s position as the head of Pakatan Harapan (PH) and the opposition.

This comes after Sabah DAP Youth chief Phoong Jin Zhe called for a new opposition leader to replace PKR president Anwar, days after Warisan president Shafie Apdal had made a similar call.

Luyang assemblyman Phoong said that when Anwar did not deliver on his previous claim of having the numbers to form the government, many questioned and poked fun at PH’s credibility.

In a statement today, Sabah PKR Youth information chief Razeef Rakimin said DAP must explain if Phoong’s call represents the party’s official stand.

He said since the “Sheraton Move”, which saw the fall of the PH-led federal government, Anwar has been accepted by all PH components as the leader of PH and the opposition.

As such, he said, any efforts to replace him are seen as an “unfriendly” move.

“PKR has stood by our allies in PH through good times and bad. Disputes are acceptable but they must stem from good intentions not hidden agendas and opportunism.

“DAP must clarify its official stand on the baseless attacks against Anwar from various parties,” he said.

Yesterday, DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and Amanah president Mohamad Sabu said the opposition needed a “political reset” and that it should stop wasting time on “opportunistic” Perikatan Nasional backbenchers who are exploiting them.

Meanwhile, Amanah Youth chief Shazni Munir described calls for Anwar to be replaced as opposition leader as “mischievous”.

“The reality is that within Pakatan Harapan, there are no calls for the opposition leader to be changed, aside from Anwar’s own remarks before this that he would be willing to take a step back if he was a liability,” he said during a dialogue titled “Kita Bincang:108 Suara Terkuat Pembankang” last night.

But, Shazni said, none of the three parties have said he was a liability nor asked him to step down.