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SPM 2020: 42 candidates in Labuan to sit for rescheduled exams

A total of 1,227 students including 140 private candidates registered for SPM 2020 at 14 examination centres in Labuan. ― Bernama pic
A total of 1,227 students including 140 private candidates registered for SPM 2020 at 14 examination centres in Labuan. ― Bernama pic

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LABUAN, March 26 ― At least 42 candidates in Labuan will sit for the rescheduled Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2020 examination starting April 6.

Labuan Education Department director Yusup Mohamad said these candidates were tested positive for Covid-19 when the examination was taking place from February 22 to March 3.

“These students from various secondary schools here will be sitting for the examination in one centre at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Labuan. The question papers will be prepared by the Examination Board,” he told Bernama after the SPM 2020 thanksgiving ceremony at SMK Mutiara here, yesterday.

He said the students would only sit for the subjects that they failed to take during the examination.

Yusup added the department was expecting that the number of affected students would increase after a thorough check is conducted.

A total of 1,227 students including 140 private candidates registered for SPM 2020 at 14 examination centres here. ― Bernama