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SCEIC acknowledges talents via awards


KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Creative Economy and Innovation Centre (SCEIC) started its operation when the Covid-19 pandemic struck the whole world.

But it chose to lead, live up to its name, and promote changes to inspire the people.

Such a journey was less lonesome as the centre received support and assistance from 30 individuals and organisations to grow the Sabahan talents together.

SCEIC general manager, Viviantie Sarjuni said the majority of them had offered pro bono services knowing that they had limited resources due to the pandemic.

“The model of Public-Private-Community Partnership (PPC Partnership) has always been our compass to ensure everyone is included and no one left behind.

“It is very crucial that we identify the ecosystem players, their roles and how we can complement each other and tap on each other’s skills and advantages in creating greater impact on the ground,” she said.

In recognising the hard work of all stakeholders who have been very supportive towards SCEIC, the centre showed its appreciation via the 30 Honourable Mentions (individual and organisation respectively), Enabler Award and ACE Award.

“We have also selected them based on the work and contributions that they have done to the community way before the formation of SCEIC in 2020.

“These are the people that have paved the way for us to enable more grassroots initiatives on the ground. In short, they are our unsung heroes.

“The common values (among them) are the willingness to go beyond what was required, that patriotism spirit of despite different backgrounds, we have common goals of nurturing our talents in Sabah together,” she said.

Viviantie cited the online Co-ETIC Mentoring platform as an example, where subject matter experts, including government agencies and corporates came together to mentor talents from Sabah.

It was a pro bono service where mentors allocated their time and offered their expertise to nurture talents on an agreed session monthly.

As for the Enabler Award, it is given to the ecosystem leaders from private, public and community level that have been very supportive towards not only allowing for initiative to happen on the ground but enabling other stakeholders in the ecosystem to work together.

“These are the forward thinking leaders who see the big picture of how we can sustain the ecosystem by working together.

“They might not have the forte in technology for example but they realised, as a leader they need to support. Otherwise we will always be left behind,” she said, giving an example of the MyHackathon 2020 Kota Kinabalu held in Sabah last December.

Viviantie said through the event, SCEIC had managed to get buy in and support from not only K.K.I.P Sdn Bhd but higher learning institutions, corporates and NGOs.

Two Sabahan startups have also won a total of RM500,000 investment from Cradle Sdn Bhd, a federal government agency under the Ministry of Science,Technology and Innovatioin (MOSTI) who was also the main organiser for MyHackaton competition.

“Without all players, we won’t be able to get such good responses from the participants.”

The third, ACE Award, is a special mention to Khairilizwan Jamros of Khaiz Empire that has consistently assisted SCEIC, especially during MCO in 2020 last year by providing necessary, relevant content and being the technology enabler for the centre.

All recipients of the three awards will receive a 3D printed trophy, designed and printed by Tenom Innovation Centre (TIC) team members of SMJK Chung Hwa.

Tenom Innovation Centre (TIC) is a makerspace in Tenom, that is opened to all students from the surrounding area.

It encourages students with common interests in computers, machining, technology, science, digital art, or electronic art to meet, socialize, and collaborate.

“With this collaboration, we hope to help TIC to purchase new and upgraded equipment for their future projects.

“On top of that, this appreciation will help to highlight communities and organisations that have done a great job building talents in Sabah. They deserve recognition for their hard work and passion to help Sabah.

“Some of them are not even from Sabah, but realising the potential of our talents here, they have come forward to offer their expertise and assistance,” said Viviantie.

SCEIC will look forward to engaging with not only organisations but individuals who want to be part of its initiatives to push for technology, innovation and creativity agenda in Sabah.

“Who knows we might produce a unicorn startup from Sabah? An equivalent of Grab, Lazada, or produce a world class animation movie – an equivalent of Disney? Or produce drone technology or robots that can help optimize agriculture operations in the rural?

“But SCEIC cannot be pushing this alone, it takes the entire ecosystem players to work together and make this a reality. This appreciation initiative is a symbol of appreciation and thank you sign to everyone involved,” said Viviantie.

The post SCEIC acknowledges talents via awards appeared first on Borneo Post Online.