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Sarawak election: Encouraging turnout at Batu Kitang polling centre this morning

See gesturing to the camera while holding his ballot paper at SK Garland this morning. ― Picture by Chimon Upon/Borneo Post

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KUCHING, Dec 18 ― A good turnout can be seen at the polling centre at SK Garland for the Batu Kitang constituency this morning.

Among them was See Chee How (PSB ― Batu Lintang) who arrived at the school at 7.15am and cast his vote at around 7.40am.

“The turnout here has so far been encouraging. It was a fast process where I was told to check my temperature and check-in to my MySejahtera,” said See to reporters.

He added that he felt good after casting his vote as it is a responsibility and everyone’s right to vote.

“So, I urge everyone to come out and vote to exercise your rights,” said See.

For this 12th state election, See will be contesting at the Batu Lintang seat which involves a five-cornered fight between him, Sih Hua Tong (GPS), Voon Lee Shan (PBK), Alex Leong (Aspirasi) and Cherishe Ng (PKR).

During polling at 8am today, it was also observed that voters at the school are complying with the Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs), regulations and guidelines.

Also present were police personnel on duty to ensure that voters abide by the SOPs to ensure a smooth and safe voting process.Also expected to cast their vote at the school later today is Lo Khere Chiang (SUPP ― Batu Kitang incumbent) and Wilfred Yap (SUPP ― Kota Sentosa). ― Borneo Post