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Sabahans join in flag campaign to help needy

99 Speedmart White Flag Campaign digital poster and Foodbank at Nook Cafe, Jalan Dewan Kota Kinabalu.

KOTA KINABALU: As the White Flag Campaign or #BenderaPutih campaign has arrived in Sabah, some individuals on the social media, groups and even restaurants are jumping on the bandwagon offering help to those in need.

99Speedmart, a rapidly growing chain of mini-markets, is one of companies that came forward offering 1,000 packs of food basket daily for 14 days, starting July 1, 2021.

“If you see anyone in the neighbourhood near 99Speedmart that requires support with a white flag, this is how you can help. Send following information (house address and picture of home with flag) to our WhatsApp as 010-5000099 or message us directly in our Facebook account.

“The campaign will be effective from 1 July to 14 July, 1000 packages prepared per day and goods will be sent within 24 hours,” said 99 Speedmart in its Facebook post on Wednesday.

Nook Café, located at Jalan Dewan here, initiated a foodbank, as announced in its Instagram account on Thursday morning.

“Food for all. Ambil saja jika mau, sumbang kalau mampu (take if you want to, donate if you can afford).

“We only accept food donation. Feel free to donate anything you like. We will add more racks and tables,” it said in its Instagram post.

Alya Syahida, a social activist who is currently raising money for 229 families at Kampung Sokoon, Kampung Lubang Buaya and Kampung Batongon in Paitan shared her mission is to help those who have been struggling throughout the Movement Control Order period.

Most of the villagers in the three villages are farmers, rubber tappers and oil palm plantation labourers.

She needs to raise RM22,900 to help the families. It will be used to arrange for food and other assistance for the affected persons.

Alya can be reached at 0132513211.
In Pitas, a non-government organization (NGO) called Reach Out is also on standby to raise money not only for the White Flag Campaign but also various projects to help the vulnerable groups in the district.

Over in Labuan, Zero Hunger Labuan has been initiated to provide food kits for families in Labuan. As of June 30, Zero Hunger has prepared 183 kits while distribution will begin on July 5.

Families who are facing food shortages can fill up this form to have food delivered to them.

Members of the public can also donate the food kit at RM50 per kit.

Individuals may also reach Michelle Alisa at 016-5850586 with regards to donations.

On social media, although some individuals are against the usage of ‘white flag’ due to the KadazanDusun’s tradition symbolizing death, many are welcoming the initiative with open heart and ready to help.

Many Facebook users shared their pledge to help their friends, especially those who lost their job and sources of income due to the on-going MCO.

In Bantuan Bendera Putih PKP Facebook page, Sabahans have started to share their stories and asking for help from there.

One of Sabahans who openly asked for help, Razimah Emaa said it is not her intention asking for help but she is in a desperate situation.

“House rent, electricity and water bills are currently overdue and need to be paid. My husband is a self-employed, and our income has been badly affected after the MCO.

“We have been relying on our Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) withdrawal but only lasts for a few months. I appreciate if any of you out there can help us,” she said, and shared her house address in the post.

The White Flag Campaign calls upon people needing assistance to wave a white cloth outside their house or reach out for help without fear or shame, following a slew of suicide cases among people who had been struggling to get by.