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Sabah govt to closely monitor Jendela initiatives within state, assures CM

Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor is picture at his office at the state administrative building September 29, 2020. — Bernama pic
Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor is picture at his office at the state administrative building September 29, 2020. — Bernama pic

KOTA KINABALU, Dec 2 — The Sabah government will monitor development projects under the National Digital Network (Jendela) to ensure that these projects, aimed to expand 4G coverage and boost internet speed in Sabah, will be implemented smoothly, said Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Noor.

Hajiji said that at the moment, digital telecommunication coverage in Sabah still lagged behind other states, with many places still without internet connection.

“Some residents (in Pitas) have had to climb trees just to get a clear internet reception and there was also the case in Kampung Gusi, Ranau where several students were injured after the (suspension) bridge, where they gathered to get a better connection, broke.

“Therefore, Jendela is a very good initiative by the federal government, through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), because Sabah is really in need of better internet connectivity,” he said.

Hajiji said this after being briefed on the programme by MCMC chairman Dr Fadhullah Suhaimi Abdul Malek via video conference at the State Administrative Centre here, today.

Hajiji was briefed by Fadhullah that Jendela will be implemented in two phases, involving construction of 41 new telecommunication towers and upgrading the 924 existing communication transmitters to 4G under the Universal Service Provision (USP) programme.

Another 35 new towers and 1,048 communication transmitters will also be commercially upgraded by service providers to increase 4G coverage in the state.

A total of 190,115 premises in the state will also be provided with access to fibre optic communications, and according to Fadhullah, the project in Sabah will cost about RM2.5 billion.

Hajiji said that the MCMC should contact his office directly should they encounter stumbling blocks that disrupt the implementation process.

“We will take appropriate action because we do not want the efforts to be hampered,” he said, adding that all relevant agencies and local authorities will be notified to facilitate the initiative, particularly for the construction of the new communication transmitters.

On Aug 29, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced Jendela, a five-year digital infrastructure plan, which is an initiative under the 12th Malaysia Plan that aims to meet the needs for digital connectivity and to prepare the nation for a gradual transition to 5G technology. — Bernama