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Report: Philippine Embassy says its govt now accepts travellers with MySejahtera vaccination cert

The Philippine Embassy said that the MySejahtera digital certificate is good enough for entry to its country. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon

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KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16 — Travellers from Malaysia to the Philippines can rest now rest easy that their Covid-19 vaccination certificate on the MySejahtera app will be accepted in the republic.

The Philippine Embassy told The Star that the digital certificate is good enough for entry to its country, after six Malaysians were stranded two days at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport in Manila from last Sunday following some confusion.

“The embassy is pleased to note that on Feb 14, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs received a reply from the Malaysian Embassy in Manila stating that the Malaysian government accepts and recognises the Philippines’ VaxCertPH.

“Following this development, the Philippine Inter-Agency Task Force on Emerging Infectious Diseases adopted Resolution No 161 providing that the National Covid-19 Vaccination Certificate of Malaysia shall be accepted and recognised,” the Philippine Embassy was reported saying.

This reaffirmation comes after Wisma Putra confirmed that both South-east countries reached an agreement last Monday to mutually recognise each other’s Covid-19 digital vaccination credentials.

Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry said incoming travellers from the Philippines just have to show their vaccination credentials from their application called VaxcertPH.

But Wisma Putra added that travellers are still subject to the respective quarantine SOPs set by the pertinent government of their intended destination.