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[QUIZ] Tell Us How You’ll Celebrate CNY And We’ll Tell You How Much Ang Pow You’ll Get

With the Lunar New Year right around the corner, there are so many things to look forward to!

The thought of stuffing your face with pineapple tarts, and dolling up to look chio in your festive wear always brings out the CNY excitement. But… there’s always one thing that puts a smile on all of our faces: ANGPOWS.

Psst… read on more to find out about some really cool Chinese New Year AR filters that Coca-Cola has in store!

Wanna know how much you’ll receive in those red packets this year? Come, let us tell you our predictions :p

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 Note: This quiz is for entertainment purposes only. Dun so serious, okay? :)

Wanna know what else would be a great addition to your CNY celebration this year? Coca-Cola!

Clad in its iconic red colour, a can of Coke will definitely match your Lunar New Year decor, too! 

Image via Fionaa Kessler/SAYS

What’s cool is that Coca-Cola has also created AR greetings that you can share with your loved ones

You can send them to your friends and family to let them know you’re thinking of them this auspicious season <3

Here’s what you gotta do:

Step 1: Get any two Coca-Cola tin cans.

Step 2: Visit this website and scan the two cans together.

Step 3: Record, save, and share your greetings.

Image via ViralCham

Easy peasy, right?

Have a peep at these cool AR greetings from Coca-Cola:

1. @dannyleeyuxin uses the Coca-Cola AR filter to send his brother a CNY greeting

2. With Coca-Cola’s AR greetings, @jaredle3 won’t have to worry about wishing everyone a happy Chinese New Year

3. While @ke.ennnn_ might not be able to visit her loved ones this year, she can definitely count on Coca-Cola’s CNY AR greetings to express how much she cares

Have a ‘Huat’ Chinese New Year this 2021 with Coca-Cola’s awesome AR greetings that’ll put a smile on everyone’s faces

Visit this website for more info.

Image via Coca-Cola Malaysia

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