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Police On The Hunt For Motorcyclist Who Groped A Girl Who Was Walking Alone To Work

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Police in Kota Bharu is hunting for a man on a motorcycle who groped a girl as she was walking alone in Lorong Limau Manis, Jalan Hamzah

The incident happened on Thursday morning, 25 March and was captured on the closed-circuit television (CCTV), footage of which was released to help identify the suspect.

Kelantan Criminal Investigations Department chief ACP Wan Khairuddin Wan Idris said the 18-year-old victim lodged a report at the Kota Bharu police station at about 11pm on the same day.

Image via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS (Facebook)

The suspect is believed to be in his 40s to 50s

He was riding a brown Honda C90 motorcycle.

The case is being investigated under Section 354 of the penal code for assault or use of criminal force to a person with the intent to outrage modesty.

Image via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS (Facebook)

Image via Info Roadblock JPJ/POLIS (Facebook)

The video shows the suspect circling the streets before spotting the girl walking alone. He then rides up to her and strikes a conversation.

However, the girl slowly backs away from him as a couple of cars approach. She then starts walking in the opposite direction in order to get away from the motorcyclist.

In another frame, the motorcyclist is seen, once again, circling around until he spots the girl, again.

At this point, he stops, lets the girl pass by, and then turns towards the direction she is walking in.

He then slowly approaches her and gropes her from behind, before driving away.

In the footage, the girl can be seen frozen in shock.

Footage of the incident can be found below:

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