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No Pertamina worker killed in oil refinery fire

In the 12.45am incident, fire spread rapidly after a tank at the Pertamina Balongan refinery burst into flames when there was heavy rain and lightning in the area, located about 200 kilometres from Jakarta. – Photo taken from Bernama TV Facebook

JAKARTA (March  29): No Pertamina employees were reported killed in the fire and explosions at the state-run Balongan oil refinery in Idramayu, West Java early this morning.

“The fire is now under control and is expected to be fully extinguished in four or five days, there are no casualties (involving Pertamina staff) in the incident,” Pertamina president director Nicke Widyawati said in a webinar press conference today.

In the 12.45am incident, fire spread rapidly after a tank at the Pertamina Balongan refinery burst into flames when there was heavy rain and lightning in the area, located about 200 kilometres from here.

The massive fire and loud explosions caused panic among residents who fled their homes for safer locations.

According to local media, several houses in the surrounding area also suffered minor damage following explosions at the refinery.

Meanwhile, Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) in a statement said a total of 912 villagers from Balongan, Sukareja, Rawadalem, Sukaurip and Tegalurung which are located close to the refinery are being sheltered at relief centres.

“As at 11am Western Indonesian time, five civilians were seriously injured, 15 suffered minor injuries and three are still reported missing following the incident,” said BNPB Data, Information and Communications Centre head Dr Raditya in a statement.

The Balongan oil refinery is one of Pertamina’s seven main oil refineries that processes crude oil and has been in operation since 1994. – Bernama

The post No Pertamina worker killed in oil refinery fire appeared first on Borneo Post Online.