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No IC, no problem as long as they have support letters – Rep

Dennis (second right) unloading the food aid under BKSS programme at Samling central base camp at Kilo 10 on Friday.

MIRI (June 20): Those without identity cards (ICs) in Ulu Baram need not worry as they are welcome for walk-in registration by showing a supporting letter from their respective community leaders at any rural vaccination centre (PPV).

This assurance came from Telang Usan assemblyman Dennis Ngau while urging genuine locals to come forward to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.

“I’ve checked with PPV Long Lama where four genuine locals from Kampung Long Kesseh without ICs were able to receive their Covid-19 vaccine with supporting letter from their village headmen,” he said yesterday to refute the claim made by a local non-governmental organisation (NGO) that many native locals without personal document were turned away at PPV Long San Health Clinic in Ulu Baram.

He advised such NGOs to check their fact first before making a statement as frontliners are working very hard to help Sarawak achieve herd community.

“This kind of exaggerated claim is doing no good to everyone, especially to the wonderful work done by all relevant people fighting hard to stop this Covid-19 pandemic.”

As for the case as claimed by the NGO, he was told that only one person from a nearby longhouse without IC who came for the walk-in registration was turned away for not producing a supporting document from a community leader.

In fact, he added, the person was advised by the personnel at PPV Long San Health Clinic to come again to the PPV with a supporting document from his community leader to be vaccinated.

“The personnel at PPV Long San Health Clinic were just following procedures when dealing with the matter and did not totally reject the person.

“Even foreigners living and working in our country were promised to receive the vaccine later but priority is given to Malaysians.”

At the same time, he urged his people who were yet to have ICs to apply for the documents as soon as possible by getting assistance from government appointed village chiefs and community leaders.

On the vaccination programme in Telang Usan district, he said thus far more than 1,000 people had received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine since June 12 at the rural health clinics in Long San and Long Bedian.

He expected more rural folks to come forward to support the Covid-19 immunisation programme after realising the importance of getting the vaccination to safeguard themselves and their community.

He was grateful that the Penan community was now aware of the importance of the Covid-19 vaccine as many of them had come forward and registered for the programme.

“The first death of Covid-19 in Telang Usan happened in their community recently, they now believe what I have told them about getting vaccinated.”

On Friday, Dennis visited the Samling central base camp at Kilo 10, some four-hour-drive from Miri city.

The base camp, he said, had been appointed as the distribution point for the Sarawakku Sayang Special Assistance (BKSS) food aid programme for Telang Usan constituency to more than 20 longhouses and Penan settlements in Ulu Baram and Ulu Tinjar.