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Period poverty is an alarming issue that affects many women, especially those in the B40 community
Many urban poor women resort to using whatever absorbent material they can afford to get through their menstruation because they cannot afford sanitary products.
However, this is unhygienic and can lead to infections or other serious health issues.
To help curb this issue, the Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) and the Islamiah Da’wah Foundation of Malaysia (YADIM) has decided to provide free sanitary pads to those who cannot afford it, especially during the pandemic.
Image via @drzul_albakri (Twitter)
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs), Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, announced this initiative on his official Twitter account on Saturday, 12 June
“Period poverty is a global issue and affects the urban poor in Malaysia. As a start, MAIWP stores and YADIMarts will provide free sanitary pads,” he tweeted.
“Efforts and awareness campaigns need to be intensified in the community in order to curb this issue,” he wrote.
Image via @drzul_albakri (Twitter)
He believes that this will undoubtedly take a long time because it is intertwined with various root issues
However, he pledged that the federal level religious agencies under his jurisdiction will continue to assist this great cause.
“Thank you, zakat payers and infaq donors!” he tweeted.
The free sanitary pads can be found at the Gerobok Rezeki shelves at any MAIWP store as well as the food bank at all YADIMart outlets.
Image via @drzul_albakri (Twitter)
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Kemiskinan haid adalah isu global dan turut memberi kesan kepada kelompok miskin bandar di Malaysia. Sebagai permulaan, Kedai @maiwphq dan YADIMart @YadimOfficial menyediakan tuala wanita percuma. Usaha dan kempen kesedaran perlu terus digiatkan dalam kalangan masyarakat.
— Dr. Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri (@drzul_albakri) June 12, 2021