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MACC expresses gratitude for Selangor Sultan’s support in fight against corruption

MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Azam Baki said Sultan Sharafuddin had shown his concern and firmness following public officials’ involvement in corrupt practices as this could tarnish the administrative image and reputation of all government officials in Selangor. — Picture by Hari Anggara

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PUTRAJAYA, July 28 — The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has expressed gratitude to the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah for showing his support in the agency’s work in fighting corruption in the state.

MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri Azam Baki said Sultan Sharafuddin had shown his concern and firmness following public officials’ involvement in corrupt practices as this could tarnish the administrative image and reputation of all government officials in Selangor.

Sultan Sharafuddin, in a statement issued through his private secretary Datuk Mohamad Munir Bani today, expressed his disappointment over several government officials in Selangor being involved in corruption.

He ordered any government official in Selangor who was found guilty of engaging in corrupt or breach of trust activities to be subject to disciplinary action and punishment to commensurate with the offence committed.

The Sultan said any government official and politician awarded state awards, honours and medals would have them withdrawn if they were found to have committed offences.

“I welcome and commend Sultan Sharafuddin’s stand on the MACC in carrying out its duty in a transparent manner to ensure that those who commit  graft would not escape the appropriate punishment,” Azam said in a statement today.

As such, the MACC called on the public, including the people of Selangor, to pay special attention to the Ruler’s statement so that similar offences would not recur, thus making Malaysia corruption free. — Bernama