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Integrity among Sarawakians continuing to improve, says Talib

Talib (second right) alongside Adana (right) looking at a paperwork presented during the seminar. – Photo by Chimon Upon

KUCHING (Dec 4): The level of integrity among the people in Sarawak continues to improve, said Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Talib Zulpilip.

This, he added, was due to the increased understanding on integrity values thanks to the various programmes conducted by the Integrity and Ombudsman Unit (Union).

“We have conducted the ‘Jelajah Integriti’ programmes from Telok Melano to Lawas, in all divisions and in many districts in the state.

“Such programmes involve participants ranging from government officers to grassroot leaders,” he said when met by reporters after officiating the Certified Integrity Officers (CeIO) Consolidation and Integrity Unit Seminar held at the Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK) here today.

He also revealed to reporters that more CeIOs will be placed in various departments and agencies next year as there are currently 94 officers placed in all levels of various departments.

He added that this group of people can be frontliners to encourage the conduct of good, honest and responsible practices

“I am grateful to see that there are so many who would participate in this CeIO programme. This means that among the civil servants, there are those who has the sense to conduct their job honestly and responsibly.

“If you (reporters) would like to participate, can also. We can learn together,” he jested.

Speaking when officiating the programme today, Talib reminded the various departments under the state governments to adhere to procedures and law, especially in terms of the departments’ accounts and audits.

He said all accounts should be submitted according to dateline given as any late submission will lead to ‘other issues’.

For audits, he said heads of departments (HODs) were to read the audit reports and take action based on the outcome from the audit so that they can improve their respective departments.

He also encouraged HODs to provide support to integrity officers in conducting their duties.

Also present at the event were Union director Adana Jed.

The post Integrity among Sarawakians continuing to improve, says Talib appeared first on Borneo Post Online.