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Indonesian couple’s marriage in hospital, days before wife’s death, catches attention of social media users (VIDEO)

Screenshots from a follow-up video by Baskoro, as he continues to post about his love for Anggun. – Picture via TikTok/ Baskoro Wicaksono Martowidjojo

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PETALING JAYA, April 22 – A video of a young Indonesian couple’s marriage solemnisation ceremony in hospital, as the woman lay ill in bed, has captured the attention of social media users.

The video was uploaded by Baskoro Wicaksono Martowidjojo as a chronicle of his bittersweet love story with his wife, Anggun Prima Persadasari.


Sampai jumpa dikeabadian, akan aku ceritakan perjalananku setelah tanpa kamu di bumi

? Akad – Payung Teduh

The clip shows the couple carrying out a simple akad nikah ceremony with family in hospital, and ends with a haunting shot of Anggun’s grave.

@baskoro_wicaksono Selamat jalan, semoga kita bertemu di tempat ternyaman. Narasi oleh @pikiranfajar ? Hati-Hati di Jalan – Tulus

Accompanying the video was Baskoro’s heartfelt comment: “Till we meet in the afterlife, I will share the journey of my life on earth without you.”


Hari ini hari ke-delapan, aku udah harus berangkat kerja lagi, aku tinggal dulu ya.. nanti aku kesini lagi sore sebelum lebaran, aku bawain bunga matahari ??? insyaallah. Bye anggun..

? suara asli – Baskoro Wicaksono Martowidjojo

According to, the couple had tied the knot on April 2 – sadly, Anggun passed away nine days later due to gastrointestinal bleeding.

Screenshots from the viral video of the couple’s ‘akad nikah’ at the hospital, and the tragic end of their time together. – Picture via TikTok/ Baskoro Wicaksono Martowidjojo

Baskoro told that Anggun had previously been diagnosed with lupus, and was experiencing ileus (a temporary lack of movement in the intestines).

“We were planning to get married in July, but Anggun’s condition was not improving.

“I wanted to stay with her at the hospital till she recovered,” he said.

The happy couple prior to Anggun’s illness. – Picture via TikTok/ Baskoro Wicaksono Martowidjojo

The video has garnered 13.6 million views so far, with many commenters offering their support and condolences.

Baskoro, who runs a ceramics studio in Lampung, continues to share even more moments of his life with Anggun, as well as his struggle to carry on after his loss.

“Let my recovery be slow, I was still in love with her when she left,” he wrote in a recent post.

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