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HR minister warns of gambling dens mushrooming like samsu shops after Kedah bans 4D outlets

Human Resources Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan addresses members of Parliament in Kuala Lumpur November 16, 2021. — Bernama pic

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KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 16 — Human Resource Minister Datuk Seri M. Saravanan today warned that banning legal gambling or number forecast shops would only lead to illegal ones mushrooming.

The Tapah MP, during his Budget 2022 winding-up speech, also said he sympathises with those set to lose their jobs as an effect of the Kedah state government’s decision to ban numbers forecast operators.

“I also share this view personally that there will be those who lose their jobs, and we have (a similar) experience when we banned samsu shops, and how illegal samsu shops then started appearing.

“So the impact could be that when we ban these legal gambling centres, not only will people lose their jobs, but places like illegal gambling centres will surface, so we have to control this for the betterment of the country,” he said.

Saravanan said this when questioned by Jelutong MP RSN Rayer on his views on the plight of those set to lose their jobs as a result of the Kedah state government’s recent ruling.

Samsu is a form of cheap liquor usually sold at low prices, poorly regulated, and can range between 17 per cent to 48 per cent alcoholic content.

Economists have also warned against the recent move by the Kedah government, saying the ban could have far-reaching consequences for Malaysia’s larger economy and general reputation as a moderate Islamic nation.

Political analysts were also quick to question the move by the PAS-led state government which they deemed as a populist decision aimed purely at capturing voters’ support.

Some observers also went as even as far as saying the move in Kedah was done to plaster over the Islamist party’s failure at influencing significant policies at the federal level concerning the kerfuffle over the Timah whisky brand.

Amid Kedah’s decision to ban these 4D lottery operators, Deputy Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Zahidi Zainal Abidin said in Parliament on Monday that the government is also exploring the possibility of legalising online gambling activities.

On Sunday, Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Muhammad Sanusi Md Nor had announced that all shops selling numbers forecast lottery draws within the state will no longer have their business licences renewed by local councils, with the move intended “to tackle the ills resulting from gambling”.