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Higher Education Ministry hopes in-person classes can resume in March, says discussions with NSC ongoing

Public and private universities switched to online courses and studies following the implementation of the movement control order in March this year. — Picture by Miera Zulyana
Public and private universities switched to online courses and studies following the implementation of the movement control order in March this year. — Picture by Miera Zulyana

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 20 — The Higher Education Ministry has said that university students can expect to return to their campuses by early March next year.

Berita Harian reported its minister Datuk Seri Noraini Ahmad as saying her ministry will submit a request to that effect to the National Security Council (NSC) for deliberation.

“It is still at the discussion stage. The ministry proposed March for the start of the semester, but this cannot be confirmed until the NSC agrees,” she said when contacted.

Noraini added the issue will be brought up again in the near future and an official announcement will be made once confirmed.

In preparation for the return of students, she said the ministry and universities are reinforcing all related standard operating procedures (SOP).

Among the proposed new SOPs would be special isolation areas (tempat pengasingan) for students.

“Other proposals such as hybrid classes will also be implemented to reduce risks further,” Noraini said.

Classes set to take place next month will continue online as is the current practice.

Public and private universities switched to online courses and studies following the implementation of the movement control order (MCO) in March this year.